September 28, October 5 & 12, 2024
8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
Downtown Grove City (Same Location As Farmer’s Market)

All Weeks – Raffles & Entertainment
October 12 – Children’s Pumpkin Giveaway
(Child Must Be Present To Receive Pumpkin)
Vendor Space Available – Crafts, Produce, Direct Sales, Packaged Food Items, Etc.
Questions – Debbie Lewis (614)875-9968 / (614)214-1840 / DAL9968@AOL.COM
*** Sponsored By Grove City Community Club ***

2024 Harvest Market Information
What products can be sold?
Produce: Fruits, vegetables, gourds, pumpkins, etc.
Flowers: Plants, mums, etc.
Baked Goods: Pies, cakes, cookies, breads, etc.
Homemade Goods: Jelly, jam, salsa, sauces, etc.
Arts & Crafts: Handmade crafts of all kinds
Direct Sales/Gift Items: Tupperware, Scentsy, Avon, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Thirty-One, etc.
How do I sign up?
Complete and return the application to Harvest Market, c/o Debbie Lewis, 3366 Highland Street, Grove City, Ohio 43123.
The cost per day is $18 for one space to set up in. Additional single spaces are $10 per same day.
Please make check/money order payable to Grove City Community Club.
For additional questions, please contact Grove City Community Club Harvest Market Committee member, Debbie Lewis at (614)875-9968 / (614)214-1840 or by e-mail DAL9968@aol.com
What is included in my fee?
The fee will reserve a space(s) for the day(s) requested. Grove City Community Club will provide advertising for the Harvest Market and distribute flyers to help promote it. You must supply your own tent, table(s) and table coverings.
How are spaces assigned?
The Harvest Market Committee will assign all spaces. Reservations cannot be made without payment.
When does the Harvest Market start?
The Harvest Market runs three Saturdays: September 28, October 5 & 12. The hours are 8 a.m. until 12 noon. Vendors should set up starting at 7:00 a.m. and be ready for 8:00 a.m. start of market.
Miscellaneous Items
Please remember that prepared food items are required by the Department of Agriculture to be packaged and marked with all ingredients used.
Clean Up
We ask the vendors to clean up their spaces at the close of each market day. Accordingly, all debris, boxes, sacks, etc. must be disposed of in trash containers.