In April 1917 a community sing was held in the high school auditorium sponsored by the American Red Cross. Our nation had just entered World War One and patriotic feeling was high. Many pledged themselves to the Red Cross groups of women and girls were formed and captains for each group were appointed.
One particular group was very active during the entire war, knitting, sewing and entertaining with dances, parties and picnics for the boys on leave and those about to leave for training camps.
By the time peace was declared, this group regarded themselves as a club and did not wish to disband. They met and formed a club known as the Girls Community Club. As the years passed the “girls” grew into women and so the name was changed to The Grove City Community Club. Officers were elected and a charter was formed.
100 years later, we are proud to be part of the Grove City Community Club. Our heritage has made us aware of our “public” image and commitments. Over the years many projects have been completed so that we may contribute to meaningful organizations within the community.
We continue to be a group of women who share their time and talents to enrich our community. Grove city is growing every day and becoming an example of the “American Way”. In order to build something solid, you need a good foundation. We feel the community club is one of the most important contributors to our future.
The one outstanding virtue that the Grove City Community Club can be very proud of is the friendships and love that we have for one another. We could not have survived for 100 years without those two precious things. May we continue to be a blessing to each other, our club and our community for many years to come.